Due Dates

Due Dates

Map of Canada--Friday February 8th
Map of Canada Quiz--Wednesday February 20th
Article Analysis--Monday February 11th

Tectonic Plates Puzzle--Tuesday February 19th
Physical Geography Unit Test--Tuesday March 26th
Geological Eras Project--Wednesday March 27th
Climate Test-- Wednesday April 24th
Weather Report-- Thursday April 25th - revised to Wednesday May 1st
Mapping Test- Thursday May 30th
Island Design Assignment --Monday June 3rd
EXAM-- Thursday June 20th @ 9:00am

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Here's the Ice Storm Weather Warning for Today! Notice the key words

Potential for a major ice storm. Periodic light rain is affecting the area this morning, but a more wintery change is on the way. Colder air is arriving and will coincide with an approaching low currently over Illinois. A messy mix of ice pellets and freezing rain is expected to develop early this morning in the warned regions and become predominantly freezing rain later this afternoon and tonight. It may very well fall heavy at times and be accompanied by a few rumbles of thunder. Poor travel conditions are expected over the duration of this event. In particular, the morning commute may be challenging with icy conditions on untreated roads, especially for areas near and west of the Greater Toronto area to Lake Huron. And it may be even more problematic for the evening rush hour. Of greater concern is the risk of widespread power outages from downed tree limbs and power lines due to significant ice accumulation combined with northeast winds gusting to 60 km/h. Freezing rain amounts up to 10 mm are quite possible in many areas with some regions possibly exceeding 20 mm. It should taper off by Friday morning with temperatures rising above freezing. There is still some uncertainty as to the extent of the cold air. This will have an impact on how much falls as ice pellets versus freezing rain. Freezing rain will have a higher impact with power outages and slippery roads and sidewalks. Although a few centimetres of ice pellets is possible, it is more of a nuisance for travel rather than a serious hazard.

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