Due Dates

Due Dates

Map of Canada--Friday February 8th
Map of Canada Quiz--Wednesday February 20th
Article Analysis--Monday February 11th

Tectonic Plates Puzzle--Tuesday February 19th
Physical Geography Unit Test--Tuesday March 26th
Geological Eras Project--Wednesday March 27th
Climate Test-- Wednesday April 24th
Weather Report-- Thursday April 25th - revised to Wednesday May 1st
Mapping Test- Thursday May 30th
Island Design Assignment --Monday June 3rd
EXAM-- Thursday June 20th @ 9:00am

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Google Maps & Outside!!

Thursday we're planning to go outside for the period--dress appropriately!

Here is the Google Maps link we'll be using on Wednesday for our activity. https://maps.google.ca/

It's best to use Google Chrome to open maps.

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