Due Dates

Due Dates

Map of Canada--Friday February 8th
Map of Canada Quiz--Wednesday February 20th
Article Analysis--Monday February 11th

Tectonic Plates Puzzle--Tuesday February 19th
Physical Geography Unit Test--Tuesday March 26th
Geological Eras Project--Wednesday March 27th
Climate Test-- Wednesday April 24th
Weather Report-- Thursday April 25th - revised to Wednesday May 1st
Mapping Test- Thursday May 30th
Island Design Assignment --Monday June 3rd
EXAM-- Thursday June 20th @ 9:00am

Friday, March 15, 2013

Geological Eras and the end of our unit!

Welcome back from March Break!!  We're finishing off our Physical Geography unit with Geological Eras and our culminating activity!

Here is the powerpoint we'll cover on Monday
Here is the chart we'll fill out
Here is the assignment and rubric!  Due date Wednesday March 27th.

Homework over the break should have included finishing up the Landform Regions Map from p. 131, and completing  a list of the characteristics using the handout (two physical and two human) (or textbook if you took one home).

Test: Tuesday March 26th

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