Due Dates

Due Dates

Map of Canada--Friday February 8th
Map of Canada Quiz--Wednesday February 20th
Article Analysis--Monday February 11th

Tectonic Plates Puzzle--Tuesday February 19th
Physical Geography Unit Test--Tuesday March 26th
Geological Eras Project--Wednesday March 27th
Climate Test-- Wednesday April 24th
Weather Report-- Thursday April 25th - revised to Wednesday May 1st
Mapping Test- Thursday May 30th
Island Design Assignment --Monday June 3rd
EXAM-- Thursday June 20th @ 9:00am

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dante's Peak plus Volcano Power Point

We're watching Dante's peak this week. Check out this link to a Q & A page about the realities of the movie... pretty neat!

Here's our Volcano Power Point from class


List of the most current earthquake activity 

Measure tectonic plate movement anywhere in the world.  Just type in a coordinate (long & lat) Don't worry about seconds or any other information... if you have the lat and long, it will tell you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Physical Geography PowerPoint

Here is our Power Point that has covered the following in class:
Plate Tectonics
Earth's Layers
Folding & Faulting

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homework due Monday

Homework: The Biggest Earthquake reading + questions

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tectonic Plates Article & Questions for homework-due tomorrow

Check out the cool National Geography Map, which you can overlay things like volcanoes, earth quakes and tectonic plates!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Article Analysis due tomorrow

Your article analysis is due tomorrow. If you forgot the outline, here it is!  Be sure to attach a copy of your article!
See you tomorrow for another short week!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Welcome to Gr. 9 Academic Geography!!  Looking forward to getting to know all of you and sharing the wonderful world of geography with you!!